Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pop - Lock - Drop - Spirit Fingers

Yesterday was a very learned day for me.  Among other things I learned that golfer Payne Stewart once signed a deal with Reebok to wear NFL apparel at PGA events, there is no longer a Gap at the Pittsburgh Airport Air Mall, you should not try rebooking a  United flight before the original fight is actually cancelled, and decathlete Bryan Clay is working with scientists from BMW to analyze and improve his form in hopes of becoming the first American to win three Olympic gold medals in the decathlon.
By far the coolest thing I learned yesterday, however, was a new twist on the fist bump.  I was at a volunteer event where a watched Mike, one of the volunteers, fist bump a teenage girl.  Mike employed the “Firework” technique - exploding your hand following the fist bump.  This girl shook her head in disapproval.  Mike then countered with the “Fireworks plus Rain” technique which took the firework technique and added the hand mimicking rain coming down following the firework.  This still did not meet the girl’s approval.  Slightly dejected Mike said, “I thought I was cool.”  The girl smiled and replied, “you are cool” and walked away.  
When I saw her later I asked her, “so, what is the cool way to fist bump?” and she taught me the Pop, Lock, Drop plus Spirit Fingers Technique.  I will try to explain.
First, with your hand in a fist and the knuckles pointing up you gently bump the other person’s fist which is in the same position (Pop).  
With the fists still touching, both individuals turn their fists to the right so the knuckles are pointed to the right and the thumb is on top (Lock). 
From here both individuals release, unfolding the hand to a flat, open position with the palm facing to the left and then drop the hand straight down (Drop).  
Finally, keeping the palm facing left you raise the hand back up while wiggling the fingers (Spirit Fingers).  
Pop - Lock - Drop - Spirit Fingers
I practiced it a few times with her and we decided that she should teach Mike as well.  I went and found Mike, who was excited to learn the new move, and our new friend taught it to him as well, allowing him to step up his fist bump game.  
So the next time you fist bump a friend, utilize the Pop, Lock, Drop with Spirit Fingers Technique.  Trust me, I have it on good authority that it really is cool!

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