Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Arian Foster's Inquiring Mind Wants to Know

Yesterday I was half watching Monday Night Football while trying to get some things done around my house.  After the game Stuart Scott, Trent Dilfer and Steve Young interviewed Arian Foster, the running back for the Houston Texans.  The Texans won the game and the three commentators were presumably asking Foster about his team's success (again, I was only half watching), when I heard Young ask Foster about some of his interests off the field.

A few weeks ago I had read an article in ESPN Magazine about Foster which was fascinating.  While it was about some of the controversy around his comments related to fantasy fans, the article described him as both zen and a bit of a renaissance man, interested in learning just about everything.  So when Young asked Foster about his love of learning, I wasn't expecting anything new.  Then Arian Foster surprised me.

Foster confirmed his love of learning and then I learned that he will regularly ask elders (his word) for three life lessons that they can share with him.  I thought that was surprisingly insightful for a man who is only 25 years old, in a profession that is not usually very reflective.  Unfortunately they did not ask him what he has learned from his elders, but that is something I would love to learn.

Young did ask him what life lesson he would share, and Foster said that it is important to "smile through everything" even when things get tough.  That's a life lesson we all need to remember at times.

I hope that someday way down the road Foster has the opportunity to share that lesson and a couple of others with some young, curious man like himself.  Until then, I hope he continues to be a great role model for young, inquisitive kids.

Namaste, Arian Foster.

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