Monday, August 13, 2012

A Few Extra Men (and Women)

Yesterday was the last day of the 2012 Summer Olympics.  By all accounts they were successful, if very expensive games.  Last night as I took a taxi from the waterfront in Mykonos back to the hotel, we chatted with the driver about what else, but the Olympics.  We were talking about medal count and the expected dominance of the powerhouses, China and the US.  One  of my friends said that Great Britain had done well in the medal count, to which our taxi driver commented, "they should, they have so many athletes.  Too many."

The driver then told us that host countries get more athletes than they normally would in any other year.  I would guess that is to make sure that the host country is well represented.  i said that I did not know that, and he said this was definitely the case for Greece in 2004.

"Greece had a baseball team," he said emphatically.  He then went on to tell us that he had watched just to see if they even knew how to play the game.  "They did pretty good," he said.  He then added, "I looked and all of the players were brought back from America."

And so goes the Olympics.  At least there were super models at the closing ceremonies.

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