Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Wrath and Beauty of Mother Nature

Santorini is one of the most popular islands in Greece.  Located in the Agean Sea southeast of mainland Greece, Santorini is a remnant of a huge volcanic explosion some 3600 years ago.  This eruption destroyed all of the settlements previously located on the once singular island.  According to the captain of our boat, many scholars believe that the explosion engulfed and sunk the island into the sea - thus creating the lost city of Atlantis.  The explosion also created a 700 foot high tsunami that wiped out the entire Minoan civilization on the island of Crete.

The huge caldera left behind is filled with water to depths of 400m preventing all but only the largest cruis ships from docking in the bay.  Many towns throughout Santorini look down on the caldera, a beautiful reminder of the power of Mother Nature.

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