Thursday, August 30, 2012

Seriously, We Have a Palace (8/23/12)

Last night after a very fun but exhausting day of navigating the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, my sister and I were feeling like a big night on the town would be a little too much.  So we opted for dinner just up the street from our hotel at a place called Albura Kathisma.  After a very good meal, we were getting ready to leave when our waiter said to us, "have you seen our palace?"

When  looked at him skeptically he said, "seriously, we have a palace.  Come see."

My sister and I followed our waiter down a passage in the wall to find the ancient remains of an actual palace.  It is the Byzantine Magnaura Palace to be precise and it was discovered as construction was beginning for a new hotel.  The hotel was never built and four rooms of the palace were excavated deep below the street.

The palace used to play host to foreign dignitaries and, according to our waiter, was once connected to Topkapi Palace.  According to the Kremlin Palace and San Marco Basilica were both inspired by Magnaura Palace.

For my sister and I it was an archaeological dessert that was deliciously enjoyed!

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