Monday, August 13, 2012

Jaws vs. Flipper

Yesterday I set off for a few days of sailing around the islands of Greece.  While enjoying a nice afternoon of leisurely sailing (i.e. me enjoying a nice leisurely afternoon while someone else sails the boat) I learned two very interesting new things.

The first is that there is 3G service out in the middle of the Agean Sea.  Seriously, who knew?  I guess the Greeks did, but it was still news to me, and made the prospect of actually sharing my learnings in a timely fashion a pretty good bet.  We'll see what happens tomorrow, though.

The second thing that I learned is that a school of dolphins can beat the snot out of a Great White shark.  According to our captain, the dolphins will use their noses (or are they snouts?  I'm not sure) to repeatedly bludgeon a shark to death.  Because of this vicious mob attack, Great White sharks no longer swim in the Agean Sea.

And, really, can you blame them?  Think of the embarrassment of getting your fin kicked by the world's cutest marine mammal.  That would be like getting your butt kicked by Justin Bieber, although the dolphins would actually hurt you.

Nice work, dolphins.  Keep on keeping the sea clear of giant things that might want to eat me.

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