Monday, August 27, 2012

It's the Thought That Counts, Mahmud (8/21/12)

We visited Topkapi Saray yesterday, the palace of the Ottoman Empire.  It's an impressive display of wealth and power from the gardens and Sultan's robes to the ornate jewelry and jewel-encrusted treasures.

One of the treasures of Topkapi is the dagger of Topkapi.  This gold and jeweled dagger has three huge emeralds on the handle. It was originally meant as a gift from the Sultan Mahud I to Nadir Shah, the Iranian conquerer, but as the delivery entrouge made its way from Constantinople to Iran they received word that Nadir Shah had been killed.  So they returned back from whence they came and the dagger remained at Topkapi.

In the late 1960's a movie called Topkapi was released starring Peter Ustinov.  This movie is about a group of people trying to steal the dagger of Topkapi.  This movie is so going into my Netflix cue!

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