Saturday, August 4, 2012

Double Up, Boys. Double Up!

Yesterday was the first day of Lollapalooza, a three day music festival in Chicago.  Lolla, as it is regularly called for short is held outside in Grant Park.  While this is my third year going, I still managed to learn something, though it probably won’t ever make it into a textbook.
One of the challenges of any outdoor music festival is the bathroom situation.  Bathroom is really pretty generous, if I think about it, since they are just porta potties.  But there are a lot of them at Lolla and with all three days being sold out, they are getting a lot of use.  This means lines, and lines, and lines.
Last night we were waiting in line before the headliners were scheduled to start.  Obviously we were in a bit of a hurry (as were the other few thousand people waiting with us at that particular bank of porta potties).  As a joke, my friend Nancy told a couple of guys that they should double up to speed up the wait.  Now, before you get all grossed out, I would like to point out that port potties have both a toilet and a small urinal in them so this is not a ridiculous suggestion.  Men are also used to going to the bathroom somewhat together, especially if they have every used the trough system at Wrigley Field (so I have been told).  Really the only question was if there was enough room to actually double up.  
Two guys in front of Nancy were a little drunk and up for the challenge.  They doubled up, and they came out to cheers from everyone who appreciated their attempt to move the line faster.  Another pair of guys doubled up as well and they too were cheered upon exiting the porta potty.  It was catching on so quickly that a married couple decided to double up too.  The woman said that they had been together for so long that this really was no big deal.
So, my key take-away from yesterday is (and boys this is for you) if you want to make friends in a really long line for the porta potties, a sure fire way is to find a buddy and double up!
Now, today I hope to learn something non-bathroom related...

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