Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Really Red River

Can you imagine being a fisherman and waking up one morning to find the river that you usually fish in had turned bright red?  No imagine that you kind of shrugged it off and when on fishing anyway?  That's what at least one man in China did on September 6th when he found that the Yangtze River had mysteriously turned red.  Not just kind of red, or pinkish, but full on, tomato juice red.  The Daily Mail has a series of amazing photos that you can see here:

Yangtze Turns Red

Officials are still trying to determine the cause of the dye job.  Some theories are that pollution was churned up by a storm, or someone illegally dumped waste into the river (this happened a few months ago to another river in China).   I suspect that the Yangtze was having a Katy Perry moment that day and wanted to mix things up.

Were this type of thing to happen in the US, the whole river would be cordoned off and you would see people in hazmat suits taking samples.  In China, though, people filled water bottles with souvenir red water and that fisherman that I mentioned, well he got back to work. 

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