Tuesday, September 11, 2012

They Don't Call it Crazy for Nothing (9/10/12)

On Saturday I was making guacamole when a particularly stubborn pit caused me to slice my left ring finger open (not to worry, the guac was not contaminated).  I followed my typical finger cut protocol - wash it, wrap it in a napkin, hold it in the air for a few minutes, and put a bandage on it. 

By Sunday morning it was still prone to bleeding.  While some folks might go to the hospital for stitches or maybe to an urgent care clinic, I went to get my nails done (hey, a girl needs priorities, right?).  While there my finger once again started to bleed, and my nail tech taught me a neat trick: crazy glue the wound closed.  She used the kind of glue that you repair a broken nail with, and it sealed the cut right up.

It did not last all day, and later I was faced with the same problem (though it was getting progressively better).  I pulled out my crazy glue and gave it another coat.  Sealed once more.

This got me to thinking about whether or not gluing a cut close was a good idea so I checked the web.  It turns out there have been quite a few studies about the safety and toxicity of using crazy glue to close wounds.  Most seemed to suggest that it was not toxic and in fact very effective in healing cuts.  Now, I'm not suggesting you should always use this method, nor am I a doctor, but in a pinch, it does a pretty good job at keeping the blood at bay.

Maybe that glue is not so crazy after all!

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