Sunday, September 2, 2012

When Life Does Not Hand You Lemons (8/27/12)

Yesterday I needed lemons.  Not a ton of them, but I was hoping to get one or two to put in hot water with some fresh mint - a delicious, soothing drink that I had picked up from my friend's mom in Istanbul.  I stopped at Whole Foods where I learned that they do not get shipments on Sunday.  This means that Sunday evening is a really bad time to shop for produce.

The Whole Foods that I went to was completely out of lemons, mint, and several other produce items.  Lemons?  Really?  How can you be out of lemons?  And yet they were.  The woman at the checkout, who rang up my 100% real lemon juice told me that Saturday and Monday evenings were the way to go.  Noted.

And now back to your regularly scheduled grocery shopping.

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